Hood Studios
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Updated finally after a year. Im no longer going to put any more gay shit up here that will leave me disinterested.  

Your homepage for a variety of alternative entertainment. 

New album from MarkVII - RPM


Menendez in the graveyard- I got an idea! I'll make a website!

Adam, Paul, and Jason outside the local Merton tavern as taken by me on Dec. 2 1998. Their first and only Into Nothingness album was Dragonfly. The whole picture shoot of that night will be up in a gallery soon.


Y A Y!





The Machine cordially
invites you to his webpage!

only the best


Gripe about your favorite retail chain!


Die, Die, Die! Find out when here.


Ebonics translator. Absolutely fuckin' hilarious.


Matt's evil site- This is good!!!!


Those crazy Wal-Mart Ho's!!

LIGHTSHOWWROLD.COM Its Like a 24-Hour Rave! By Chris (the artist)

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Excavator, Digging 2

What's New?

9-5-01: Hood Studios is proud to announce that the entire collection of movies shot to date at Hood soon will be available on VHS and VCD. Also, the website is currently being constructed and the band page for UnDone will be up later next week or so. Undone has recently announced they will go into the studio to record another album, sometime in November.

8-8-01: Since hotbot deleted all my homepages, a new site had to be made. Originally slated as the site to replace the old Into Nothingness site, I expanded and decide to include all my projects in one conveinent page.

8-20-01: The entire website incuding the "Undone" page should be up by the end of September. Soon, I'll be back in school again and have nothing better to do then promote the band and my own stuff. Click on the ole' Dragonfly album to see the little bit that is on the new site, http://undonemusic.tripod.com

8-29-01: The Anderson Council's self-titled has been combined with the old Into Nothingess album, Dragonfly, onto one double album. It will be officially in print very shortly and available for purchase online. Sound Clips will be up very soon.



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